Thursday, November 12, 2009
Colored Bubbles
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Summer's Over!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
PB & J Rollups
Chore Chart
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Makeshift sandbox
Thursday, April 9, 2009
So I better be a good Mom and do some "school" with my child.
I went to Barnes & Noble to look for some books, and as I was looking through them, I realized that I could make these myself, and gear them more towards what I want her to learn, and what I know she needs to learn to be prepared for kinder. I used to teach 1st grade, before I was an adored Mommy....anyways... I used to make a lot of my own worksheets then too.
I'm starting with 3 things:
Recognizing and writing her name
Recognizing and writing letters
One to one correspondence (which means they can count objects correctly, by touching each one and saying the number)
If there is time, I really like to end our school with reading her a couple of books.
Here is practicing her name, I write it first, say the letters out loud and have her repeat. Then do it again, one letter at a time, and have her copy it one letter at a time. **Draw a line, or else she will write it seriously anywhere she wants on the paper. Then I wrote all our families names and had her circle hers, and she knew it immediately. - YEA!
Today was A day. We practice writing A at the top, then she has to go find and circle the A's on the paper. * Helping her hand over hand when first writing is very helpful!
Give her a treat if she works well (and sometimes she won't) then put it up on the fridge so that she can look at it throughout the week - mostly when she's bored while you're trying to make dinner.
When I taught first Grade, one great piece of advice my principal gave me was that First Graders need to change activities every 15 minutes, because that was their attention threshold. R is 3 yrs, so imagine what her attention time is! This activity took about 5 minutes. With about 5 minutes of prep time (for me) to make the worksheet.
MInerva the Monster
Paper or cardboard for the ears
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Ice Sculptures
1. Find a bunch of different containers
2. Fill them with water
3. Freeze them overnight or longer
4. Lay a towel on the table, get some tools from the kitchen
(I used a fork, a wood skewer, a spoon , a paint brush, & some bowls with food coloring)
5. Pop the ice out and let them at it! We stacked them, pushed them around the table like a hockey puck, painted them, poked and prodded them, and towards the end Riley was sucking on the ice cubes.
At first, she wasn't super fond of this, she only spent about 15 minutes on it. We left to the store and I left it on the table, when we got back, she went and played with it for about 45 minutes, I'd say that's some good time for Mom!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sand ....or sugar
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Animal Sort
Biggest to smallest