Thursday, November 12, 2009

Colored Bubbles

She did this in preschool. They mixed a little food coloring with bubbles, then let them blow them onto the paper! When they dried, it looked like this. I thought this was fun, because I always have bubbles and I always have food coloring! I thought it would be fun to make a few different colors and make a colorful Thanksgiving Turkey, or a green Christmas tree, or a colorful easter egg, or get the point.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Summer's Over!

Well, we've been so busy this summer and (where we live) its still warm outside so, we're able to still head outside! Yesterday,it was dark and loomy and I suddenly found myself with some bored kids. I pulled out some arts and crafts and that was OK for a while. But, this morning I woke up and realized that I needed to get my tush in gear and get some activities going for my girls, so that I don't have another day like that.

I think I'm going to make a weekly plan. Hopefully.

I wanted to post this though, its something I found in Parents magazine. I thought it was a great idea for chores around the house, you could also add simple dailly activities to it too. Like : Preschool, library, store. dr. appt, playdate, park, etc. Its just a binder, with premade cards, then you hotglue some ribbon across the bottom two sides of the binder to make the binder stand up like that!

Because seriously, my daughter asks me EVERY MORNING " Where are we going today" or "What are we doing today" when I answer, she says, then where are we going after that?? t would be nice to say... go refer to the chart!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

PB & J Rollups

My friend made these for her daughters b-day party, and I always remembered them. Today I thought I'd be fun for my girls.

Cut the crust off a piece of bread
Press the bread flat with a rolling pin
Spread the peanut butter & jelly on (you'll probably have a little jelly ooze out - yum for you!)
Roll the whole thing up
Cut like you're making a sushi roll or cinnamon rolls

(you could probably use any filling for these, tuna, meat & cheese, etc)

Now you have bite size little sandwich roll ups!

Chore Chart

I've been meaning to do one forever!! I read somewhere that if you have really spirited children, charts work really well for them! I will probably change these as she grows, but this was my first attempt.
Ours is on our fridge. When she completes a row, she gets to ride the merry-go-round at the mall (75 cents) Its working good so far, we remind her about getting a sticker on her chart and she gets really excited, and does the things we would like her to.

What do you do with your kids??

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Do you remember this stuff from your 5th grade science class? Some kind of property makes it a liquid and a solid at the same time. As long as you apply pressure to it, its a solid, but the moment you let go it slithers through your fingers like a liquid.
All you do is mix cornstarch and water, (i just eye-balled it) and food coloring. Mix until thick and a little runny at the same time - sounds weird huh?? R played with this for almost an hour. I had to add a little more water to it during her play, because it dries out as its exposed to air. I put her outside, so that I could just hose the little table down (2$ at a garage sale by the way) when she was done.

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I started R on computers when she was about 2 yrs old. Teaching her how to use the mouse took quite some time (especially because our mouse gets stuck all the time). I had do help her hand over hand for a long time, until she got the hang of it.
Her favorite website is

She loves Clifford games especially the scavenger hunt, and cliffords big parade

Depending on the age, you can try any of the games that are on here. R will try the Super Why games sometimes, but isn't too successful, but if you happen to have a "super smarty" or a child in preschool, give it a try. If you have a young one, sit her on your lap and go into Sesame Street or Barney and play them with her.
**Some of the games require use of the space bar. I put a little sticker on it, so that she can see it clearly. Imagine all those keys in the eyes of a 2 year old!

I think it is so important these days to teach computer skills to your child, especially because they will begin typing in very early grades and even get graded on their knowledge of computers! (I had to when I taught 1st grade) So get going now!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Makeshift sandbox

This past month, we moved out of our apartment and into a twin home. Which means we have a backyard!!!! This move has drastically improved our play time! Although we still pull out some of our same old tricks.
Here's one that is super easy!
Go to Walmart and get 2 large bins.
Fill one with water.
Fill one with sand.
Get some sand toys.
These were perfect for when we just had a balcony to play on (and they still work good in the backyard). The are compact and have a lid, so they can be moved out of the way easily, pulled out easily and stacked on top of each other. Not to mention they are much cheaper than regular sandboxes or water play toys, and create the same effect for the kids. Make sure to lay a blanket or towel down know cuz they're kids.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Every time we drive by a school, R asks "Mommy, can I go to school?" I try to explain that she just isn't old enough, but one day! I asked her if she would like to do school with me, and she gave an exited YES!
So I better be a good Mom and do some "school" with my child.

I went to Barnes & Noble to look for some books, and as I was looking through them, I realized that I could make these myself, and gear them more towards what I want her to learn, and what I know she needs to learn to be prepared for kinder. I used to teach 1st grade, before I was an adored Mommy....anyways... I used to make a lot of my own worksheets then too.

I'm starting with 3 things:
Recognizing and writing her name
Recognizing and writing letters
One to one correspondence (which means they can count objects correctly, by touching each one and saying the number)

If there is time, I really like to end our school with reading her a couple of books.

Here is practicing her name, I write it first, say the letters out loud and have her repeat. Then do it again, one letter at a time, and have her copy it one letter at a time. **Draw a line, or else she will write it seriously anywhere she wants on the paper. Then I wrote all our families names and had her circle hers, and she knew it immediately. - YEA!

Today was A day. We practice writing A at the top, then she has to go find and circle the A's on the paper. * Helping her hand over hand when first writing is very helpful!

Give her a treat if she works well (and sometimes she won't) then put it up on the fridge so that she can look at it throughout the week - mostly when she's bored while you're trying to make dinner.

When I taught first Grade, one great piece of advice my principal gave me was that First Graders need to change activities every 15 minutes, because that was their attention threshold. R is 3 yrs, so imagine what her attention time is! This activity took about 5 minutes. With about 5 minutes of prep time (for me) to make the worksheet.

MInerva the Monster

We checked a listening story out at the library. The book was called "Minerva the Monster" It was a really cute book. In the book, Minerva made a monster face out of a paper plate, and went around scaring everyone. So, we decided to do it too. Poor little Chloe, cried and ran every time "Minerva the Monster"came near.

(Of course, I made her write her name on the back for practice)

**If you wanted to, you could make it way cooler with glitter, pom-poms, and all sorts of more crafty stuff than I used
Paper Plate
Markers or crayons
Paper or cardboard for the ears
Ribbon to tie around childs head (elastic would be better, but I didn't have any)
...and off she goes a scarin'

Thursday, March 26, 2009


Big can.
Various kitchen utensils.

You can clap to a rhythm and have them try to do the same rhythm along with you, or clap a number of times and have them copy it on their drum. You can do this all while you are cooking or cleaning - that's the best part!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Just let them CUT!

If you get those crafty scissors, the littles can't cut themselves. I have a set of 20, but if you just have a few its still a blast for them . Get a few pieces of paper out, and let them have at it, Riley spent 1 whole hour doing this. Its a little bit of a cleanup, but if you get them to help, its not that big of a deal

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ice Sculptures

This is the second activity of our rainy day. I saw it on PBS kids. Here's how ya do it:

1. Find a bunch of different containers
2. Fill them with water
3. Freeze them overnight or longer
4. Lay a towel on the table, get some tools from the kitchen
(I used a fork, a wood skewer, a spoon , a paint brush, & some bowls with food coloring)
5. Pop the ice out and let them at it! We stacked them, pushed them around the table like a hockey puck, painted them, poked and prodded them, and towards the end Riley was sucking on the ice cubes.

At first, she wasn't super fond of this, she only spent about 15 minutes on it. We left to the store and I left it on the table, when we got back, she went and played with it for about 45 minutes, I'd say that's some good time for Mom!


I found this little activity in Family Fun Magazine, although theirs was a lot better. Today is a very rainy day,(as you can tell, she's still in her jammies) so we will do another activity later. Now Riley has a place to put the Valentines she got from friends and Grandparents, then later use the purse for dress up.

the materials are:

Felt ( I think it was 27 cents a square at Michaels)
Whole punch
Ribbon or Yarn
Simply poke holes in both hearts in the same spots, then loop your ribbon through. Use the excess ribbon to make a handle for the purse and tie in a knot at the top.
( Great activity for developing their fine motor skills)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sand ....or sugar

I put some sugar in a pie tin, since sand is not readily available. We practiced writing her name, made shapes, and practiced letters and numbers, not to mention its great for their developing sensory skills. I think this is a good activity for any age. Riley loved playing with this and even got one of her polly pockets to join in the fun.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Animal Sort

Been a busy month!
Have your little one get all her stuffed animals out, then put them in a big pile
Sort the animals in all different ways, here are a few that we did:

Biggest to smallest
Animals that roar
Animals that live on a farm
Same animals (she had a bunch of dogs & bears)

Depending on your assortment of animals, you could do tons more. The goal of this is that hopefully one day, you could simply say "go get your animals and sort them" and now you get some time to maybe, JUST SIT!